Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Mason, Ohio Itenerary

2014 Mason Invitational Itinerary

5:00 am:  Call Time.  Be at CHS no later than this time.  No exceptions!  Breakfast, pack, load.
6:15 am:  Leave for William Mason High School, Mason, OH
9:30 am:  Arrive at MHS, band check-in.  As soon as we pull in, get dressed.
10:30 am:  Warm-up
11:00 am:  Move to Gate
11:15 am:  Gate time. 
11:30 am:  Performance.  LEAVE IT ALL ON THE FIELD!
Once our performance is done, head back to the bus, load everything, change into our casual clothes, and head back to stadium to watch other bands.  This will be a very long day, so please plan accordingly.
4:00 pm:  Class A/AA Awards
10:00 pm:  Class AAA/AAAA/Open Awards and Director’s Critique
As soon as possible after the last band is done, use the bathrooms and let’s get on the road.  I hope to be on the road by 10:30 pm.

10:30 pm(ish):  Leave Mason, OH for CVille.
1:30-1:45 am(ish):  Arrive at CHS.  Unload everything, clean the bus, and go home! 

Parents will receive a phone call from their student when the bus passes the Indianapolis Airport.  This will give everybody about 45 minutes to be at the high school to pick everyone up. 


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