Monday, September 8, 2014

Brownsburg Marching Band Invitational Itenerary

Sound of Brownsburg
Invitational 2014

12:15 pm:     Call Time.  This the time you arrive.  DO NOT BE LATE!!!!
12:30 pm:     Stretch.
12:45 pm:     Rehearsal begins.
2:15 pm:       Rehearsal ends.  Please eat lunch, drink a lot of water to stay hydrated for our performance, and relax.
3:00 pm:       Leave CHS for Brownsburg High School.
4:00 pm:       Arrive @BHS
4:30 pm:       Transit to warm-up.
4:40 pm:       Warm-up time.
5:10 pm:       Transit to Gate.
5:30 pm:       Performance Time!!!  Leave it all on the field CHS!
5:50 pm:       Back to bus to change into our street clothes and head back to the stadium to watch the other bands perform.  Good line-up this week!

8:45 pm:       Awards.
9:00 pm(ish): Depart BHS for home.

10:00 pm(ish): Arrive @ CHS.  Clean the bus, unpack all equipment, grab your things and wait for dismissal!  I love you all, GO HOME!!!!!!  J

Visit their website here - Sound of Brownsburg Marching Band Invitational

Full Competition Itinerary available here.

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